special interest vehicles online   October 03, 2024
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Special Interest Vehicles brings you thousands of antique, classic and collectible vehicles, parts, events and club listings right to your computer each week. We hope you enjoy browsing our site to find the vehicle of your dreams, see where the current and best car shows are happening each weekend, or locate that last part needed to complete your restoration project. In our continuing effort to bring you the best, most complete source of information for the car collector enthusiast in the Northeast, we welcome your comments and suggestions. You can also watch weekly episodes of Jay Leno's Garage and Fast Lane Daily by clicking on the video player above.

If you have a special interest vehicle for sale, a car show or car club to promote, or you are in a special vehicle related business, please feel free to contact us and let us show you how we can put the power of our ever increasing audience to work for you! webmaster@specialinterest.com.

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